Saturday, 14 September 2013

Classroom Object Qui a...J'ai Game for the Whole Class--In FRENCH !

This is a GREAT and FUN game that involves the WHOLE class. The theme of the game is classroom objects such as: pencils, eraser, paper, notebook... . French Comprehension and oral expression of classroom objects are reinforced as students go around the room asking Qui a...J'ai... in a chain fashion. The cards are great as they include the vocabulary as well as colourful clip art to assist ALL classroom learners.
This kit has EVERYTHING you need to put this game together.
Appropriate for FSL core grades 4-6 or French immersion primary grades.

   Download:  Teacher Pay Teacher

Monday, 2 September 2013

C'est Moi!--It's ME! Students describe themselves in FRENCH!

Well tomorrow is the start of a new school year...
Lots of anxieties and nerves to settle yet at the same time excitement!!!  I have just developed two more handouts that all FRENCH teachers can use to settle their students in during the first few days of school.
The set includes two handouts that students can use to describe themselves in French. One handout is a visual organizer and the second has allows for students to write about themselves. Accommodates older students but at two varied levels.
French FSL grades 6-8 OR French immersion grade 2/3.
Enjoy!!!  Relax--and Good Luck to New Beginnings!!!

Download:  Teacher Pay Teacher

Sunday, 1 September 2013

FREE---Exciting New Colouring Sheet for Kids to find Hidden Picture--in FRENCH !!

ALL kids love this colouring sheet where they colour using a FRENCH legend and end up revealing the mystery picture.  Great reinforcement for colours in FRENCH!
Best of all it is FREE!!!
Visit my store for more information!