Sunday, 1 December 2013


Christmas is just around the corner....

Everything Noel is a huge collection that is great for EVERYONE!
This package includes the following:
**colour by number of an elf, a train, a Christmas house, candles, reindeer, Christmas angel, stars, Santa, and gingerbread man. Some of these handouts reinforce addition and subtraction, as students are required to complete these mathematical operations prior to the colouring activity
**two awesome math/dice games where the numbers up to twelve are reinforced, as well as Christmas Vocabulary . Students roll the dice and colour in the object with the number that the two die add up to. 
**Students get to practice body parts and Christmas vocabulary as they follow the instructions and complete the templates provided
This package is lots of fun for EVERYONE!!!
There is LOTS of variety. 
Activities are appropriate for all learners in grades k-6 for both FSL Core or French Extended/ Immersion.
  Download:  Teacher Pay Teacher

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Remembrance Day Colouring Activity in FRENCH -FREE

FREE-This is a simple and FUN activity for Kids to colour for Remembrance Day/Memorial Day!
Great for kids in Core French and Immersion grades 1-2. SIMPLE AND EASY!

Download: Teacher Pay Teacher

Saturday, 9 November 2013

Remembrance Day/ Memorial Day Activities in FRENCH-Great for FSL Core/Immersion

Remembrance Day...November 11, 2013

Are you looking for French Activities that are support the Remembrance Day theme: this is PERFECT!
Includes :
-Two Color By Number Pages 
- « Au Champ d’honneur » Poem and Activity
-Art Activity (Draw the Poppy With Grid)
-Word wall/anchor Chart Vocabulary Cards
-Letter Template –Suitable for Writing Activity (Write a Letter to a War Veteran)
-Dedication Wreath Template
-Acrostic Poem Template
-Word Activity/Game
Suitable for Grades 1-6 Core or French Immersion

Download: Teacher Pay Teacher

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Halloween-FOUR Games in One Booklet and ALL in FRENCH!

Looking for some fun French games for Halloween? Students of all ages will enjoy learning new and spooky Halloween vocabulary words with LOTS of visuals. Booklet includes EVERYTHING you need to play FOUR classical games: Bingo, Concentration, Hangman, and Tic Tac Toe. Best of all you can use these games for years to come. All the games can be used to engage EVERYONE in your French class--They are all in FRENCH! Can be used as part of centres or overall classroom activities. All the games have been developed with all age levels in mind to accommodate and engage all learners.
A great way to be part of the Halloween excitement and at the same time survive! Activities are suitable for all ages from grades 1-8 in both Core FRENCH and French Immersion.
Have FUN!

Download:  Teacher Pay Teacher

Monday, 21 October 2013

Halloween Game for the WHOLE class in FRENCH-Qui a...J'ai...

This is a GREAT and FUN game that involves the WHOLE class. The theme of the game is HALLOWEEN. Vocabulary accompanied by cute clip will make everyone in your class engaged, and talking French. French Comprehension and oral expression of Halloween objects are reinforced as students go around the room asking Qui a...J'ai... in a chain fashion. The cards are great as they include the vocabulary as well as colourful clip art to assist ALL classroom learners.
This kit has EVERYTHING you need to put this game together. Print, cut and laminate for durability, and you are set to play the game over and over again.

Appropriate for FSL core French grades 4-6 or French Immersion primary grades.
                                  Have FUN and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!
Download:  Teacher Pay Teacher

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Thanksgiving Activities-In French

Thanksgiving Activities For EVERYONE and at an AFFORDABLE price....
Includes :
* Colour by Number Simple Math
* Colour by number sweet corn
* Thanksgiving Placemat 
* Activity sheets, maze, word games...
* Design your own Thanksgiving Feast

Activities are appropriate for grades 1-6 Core French and French Immersion. Enjoy...Lots of Fun for Everyone!

Download:  TeacherPayTeacher

Colour by Number in FRENCH! Great for Halloween-and It's FREE!

This is a simple scarecrow that is a colour by number in FRENCH!
Can be used for both a fall theme or for Halloween.
Appropriate for grades 1-5 for both Core and Immersion French.

Download:  Teacher Pay Teacher

Halloween Colouring Activities and Haunted House Number Fun in FRENCH!

Halloween is just around the corner...Consider this affordable packet that will give you hours of fun with your kids and at the same time reinforce their French language skills.
This packet includes three handouts-two reinforce colours with the Halloween theme. The third reinforces numbers and Halloween while student decorate their own haunted house. Best of all it is ALL in FRENCH.
Appropriate for grades 1-6 for both Core French and Immersion.

Teacher Pay Teacher

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Classroom Object Qui a...J'ai Game for the Whole Class--In FRENCH !

This is a GREAT and FUN game that involves the WHOLE class. The theme of the game is classroom objects such as: pencils, eraser, paper, notebook... . French Comprehension and oral expression of classroom objects are reinforced as students go around the room asking Qui a...J'ai... in a chain fashion. The cards are great as they include the vocabulary as well as colourful clip art to assist ALL classroom learners.
This kit has EVERYTHING you need to put this game together.
Appropriate for FSL core grades 4-6 or French immersion primary grades.

   Download:  Teacher Pay Teacher

Monday, 2 September 2013

C'est Moi!--It's ME! Students describe themselves in FRENCH!

Well tomorrow is the start of a new school year...
Lots of anxieties and nerves to settle yet at the same time excitement!!!  I have just developed two more handouts that all FRENCH teachers can use to settle their students in during the first few days of school.
The set includes two handouts that students can use to describe themselves in French. One handout is a visual organizer and the second has allows for students to write about themselves. Accommodates older students but at two varied levels.
French FSL grades 6-8 OR French immersion grade 2/3.
Enjoy!!!  Relax--and Good Luck to New Beginnings!!!

Download:  Teacher Pay Teacher

Sunday, 1 September 2013

FREE---Exciting New Colouring Sheet for Kids to find Hidden Picture--in FRENCH !!

ALL kids love this colouring sheet where they colour using a FRENCH legend and end up revealing the mystery picture.  Great reinforcement for colours in FRENCH!
Best of all it is FREE!!!
Visit my store for more information!

Saturday, 31 August 2013

ICEBREAKER for Older Kids--In FRENCH !

This is an awesome icebreaker for older kids or those that do not need visual clues. Great as a first day of school activity! Helps your student ``break the ice`` and get to know everyone.
Alternative activity: provide a prize for the person who finishes the hunt first!
Appropriate for FSL core, immersion or extended--grades 5 and up.

Lots of FUN!!!

      Download:  Teacher Pay Teacher

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

All About ME!!! Great Autobiography for the First Few Days of School...

This kit contains EVERYTHING you need to assist students in putting together a mini autobiography, getting to know you booklet.  It is suitable for first days of school activity.   Photocopy the whole/some of the booklet and watch your kids have fun completing each of the pages.
This booklet provides templates with visual markers so that all students can provide answers at their individualized level of learning.  I have not numbered the pages so that you can insert personalized pages if necessary or use certain pages only.  I have also provided a couple of blank pages with the border for the same purpose.



Monday, 26 August 2013

Back To School-Student Icebreaker in FRENCH !!!

Get to Know your students right on the first day back!
This is a "LOTTO" style game that gets the whole class talking "in French". Students go around the room trying to find a person that matches the clue. The person who fills his/her card first is the winner. Lots of colorful illustrations to help everyone with language clues.

Download:  TeacherPayTeacher

Sunday, 25 August 2013

French Game on COLORS--J'ai---Qui a...Fun for the WHOLE class!!!!

This is a game that the whole-class (for up to 30 students) can play. It is themed with "Color Vocabulary". It provides students with the opportunity for oral interaction (in FRENCH) as they practice their color vocabulary.

The game is similar to a chain whereby a student asks "Qui a..." that is printed on his/her card and the student with the corresponding clue responds with "J'ai...". Then that student asks a question that is on the back of his/her card. The game is timed and students play to beat their time score not each other, as they all participate. This game is lots of FUN and takes place totally in FRENCH! Best of all it is appropriate for all learning abilities. I have included some blank cards that can be personalized to suit your classroom needs. There are enough cards for THIRTY students.

If you found this product useful, please take a moment to leave a comment. Your suggestions are always welcome too!

Download:  TeacherPayTeacher

All About Me (C'est Moi!) in FRENCH. Great first days of school activity!

This kit contains EVERYTHING you need to assist students in putting together a mini autobiography or getting to know you booklet in FRENCH. It is suitable as a first days of school activity. Photocopy the whole/some of the booklet and watch your kids have fun completing each of the pages.
This booklet provides templates with visual markers so that ALL students can provide answers at their individualized level of learning. I have not numbered the pages so that you can insert personalized pages if necessary or use certain pages only. I have also provided a blank page with the border for the same purpose. Students love talking about themselves--this provides as great venue for self expression! It is great for all levels of FSL core french or grades 1-3 of French Immersion. 

Download:  TeacherPayTeacher

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

L'Arc En Ciel Colorer

A wonderful Rainbow for students to colour. Reinforces the knowledge of French colours. ALL in FRENCH!

Download: TeachersPayTeachers